What is an API?
It offers items or administrations to speak with different items and administrations without realizing how they're carried out. So, this can really help in third party world.
For what reason would we really want an API?
Here, are a few justification for utilizing API:
. Application Programming Interface abbreviation API assists two unique programming's with imparting and trade information with one another.
. It assists you with installing content from any site or application all the more proficiently.
. APIs can get to application parts. The conveyance of administrations and data is more adaptable.
. Content created can be distributed naturally.
. It permits the client or an organization to redo the substance and administrations which they utilize the most.
. Programming needs to change over the long run, and APIs help to expect changes.
Features of API
- It offers a valuable service (data, function, audience,.).
- It helps you to plan a business model.
- Simple, flexible, quickly adopted.
- Managed and measured.
- Offers great developer support.
- Simple and easy to understand.
Types of API
- Open APIs: These types of APIs are publicly available to use like OAuth APIs from Google. It has also not given any restriction to use them. So, they are also known as Public APIs.
- Partner APIs: Specific rights or licenses to access this type of API because they are not available to the public.
- Internal APIs: Internal or private. These APIs are developed by companies to use in their internal systems. It helps you to enhance the productivity of your teams.
- Composite APIs: This type of API combines different data and service APIs.
If you have any doubts, Please let me know.