
                          Computer Graphics is the creation of pictures with the help of a computer. The end product of the computer graphics is a picture it may be a business graph, drawing, and engineering.  Computer graphics is an art of drawing pictures, lines, charts, etc. using computers with the help of programming.  Computer graphics deals with generating images with the aid of computers. Today, computer graphics is a core technology in digital photography, film, video games, cell phone and computer displays, and many specialized applications.  Computer graphics is made up of number of pixels. Pixel is the smallest graphical picture or unit represented on the computer screen. Basically there are two types of computer graphics namely: Interactive and non interactive computer graphics.


 a)Interactive Computer Graphics:-

                                                              Interactive Computer Graphics involves a two way communication between computer and user. Here the observer is given some control over the image by providing him with an input device for example the video game controller of the ping pong game. This helps him to signal his request to the computer.  The computer on receiving signals from the input device can modify the displayed picture appropriately.  To the user it appears that the picture is changing instantaneously in response to his commands. He can give a series of commands, each one generating a graphical response from the computer.  In this way he maintains a conversation, or dialogue, with the computer. For example, it helps to train the pilots of our airplanes.

 b)Non-Interactive Computer Graphics:-

                                                                     In non interactive computer graphics otherwise known as passive computer graphics.  It is the computer graphics in which user does not have any kind of control over the image.  Image is merely the product of static stored program and will work according to the instructions given in the program linearly.  The image is totally under the control of program instructions not under the user. Example: screen savers       

History of Computer Graphics:-

                                                      Computer Graphics (CG) was first developed as a visualization tool. • Computer graphics were basically introduced for scientists and engineers in government and corporate research centers, i.e., Bell Labs and Boeing in the 1950s. • After then the tools would be developed at Universities in the 60s and 70s at places, i.e., Ohio State University, MIT, University of Utah, Cornell, North Carolina, and the New York Institute of Technology. • The computer graphics are invented by researchers Verne Hudson and William Fetter of Boeing. It is often brief as computer graphics.

1940-1941: The first directly digital computer-generated graphics that would associate with today as being actual CG. The very first radiosity image was invented at MIT in the 1940s. 

1946: The images were first presented at the 1946 national technical conference of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 

1948: The images were published in the book: Lighting Design by Moon and D. E. Spencer. 1948.

 1950: John Whitney Sr. invents his computer-assisted mechanisms to create some of his graphic artwork and short films.

 1951: Vector scope computer graphics display on the computer at MIT. The General Motors Research Laboratory also begins the study of computer-aided graphical design applications.       

1955: Sage system uses the first light pen as an input device at MIT Lab by Bert Sutherland.

 1956: Lawrence Livermore labs associate graphics display with IBM 704 and film recorder for color images. Bertram Herzog uses analog computers to create CRT graphics in the behavior of military vehicles at the University of Michigan computing center.

 1957: In the National Bureau of Standards first image-processed photo was used. The IBM 740 created a sequence of points on a CRT monitor to represent lines and shapes. 

1958: Steven Coons, Ivan Sutherland, and Timothy Johnson started working with the TX-2 computer system to manipulate the drawn pictures.

1959: The first commercial film recorder produced in San Diego, CA. Don Hart and Ed Jacks invented the first computer-aided drawing system at General Motors Research Laboratory and IBM.     

1960: William Fetter was first termed “Computer Graphics” for cockpit drawing. John Whitney Sr. invents motion graphics in LA.

 1962: In MIT Lincoln Laboratory Ivan Sutherland produced a man-machine graphical communication system. 

1963: An analog computer was developed by Charles Csuri and used to transform a drawing. Edgar Horwood introduced a computer graphics mapping system which is used by U. S. Housing and urban development.

1965: IBM 2250, the first graphics computer available.

 1966: Ralph Baer developed the first consumer computer graphics game, “Odyssey.”

 1968: Tony Pritchett made the first computer animation “FLEXIPEDE” in the UK. 1972: Nolan Bushnell, “the father of Electronic games,” developed PONG game. 

1973: The concept of Z-buffer algorithm and texture mapping were developed by Edwin Catmull.

 1976: The first 3D appearance film was created by Gary Demos, John Whitey Jr. at Triple-I.

1980: The first digital computer was used in computer graphics in the Digital Equipment Corporation(DEC).

 1981: The making of computer graphics for IMAX film format is done by Nelson Max at Lawrence Liver more National Laboratory. The Donkey Kong video game was introduced by Nintendo.

 1982: The first broad use of 3D graphics animation was done in Disney featured film. AutoCAD 1.0 is launched-It is only used for wire frame representation. 

1985: Medical imaging software combined with Voxel technology.

1987: Video graphics array (VGA) standard was introduced.

 1989: Super video graphics array (SVGA) was recommended. Tim Berners Lee developed the first website ever, which has the original URL (Universal resource locator).

 1993: Mosaic, the web browser was released by UIUC for general usage. The Codename of mosaic was “Mozilla.” The Mosaic, the first web browser was released. First public call made by cell phone.

 1995: First, fully CGI (Computer-generated imagery) was released. MS Internet Explorer 1.0 released.

2000: The first web-based CAD system Sketchup released. 2006: Google acquires Sketchup.

 2009: The state of the art of computer graphics, as of 2009, was brief in a short video. 

2013: Now, it is possible to create graphics on a home computer. 

2015: Big data is being used to create animations.

 2018: Now, we can create “realistic” graphics on mobile phones. We can also create a completely CGI-based human face in real-time.   

Application of Computer Graphics:-

                                                           1. Computer Aided Design (CAD) 

                                                           2. Presentation Graphics 

                                                           3. Computer Art 

                                                           4. Entertainment 

                                                           5. Education and Training 

                                                           6. Visualization 

                                                           7. Image Processing 

                                                           8. Graphical User Interfaces (GUI’s)

                                                           9. Simulation 

                                                           10. Cartograph